Weekly Update - September 4th, 2024

Click Here To Watch Sunday’s Sermon

Third launch party: Block Party Wednesday, 9/4: click here for more information

Community Groups: Next week Refuge Community Groups relaunch for the fall! We are not simply a church that meets on Sundays. Rather, the heartbeat of our church is our community groups where we engage in Bible study, fellowship, and many groups share a meal together. We have 5 groups that meet throughout Orlando. Click on this link to get more information.

Straight Street: Join Refuge Church in serving dinner to the homeless image-bearers living in our city. As a church we serve on the second Wednesday and Friday of each month—September 11 and 13th.

Arrive at 5:30pm
808 W Central Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32805

Contact Debbie Barron at debbie.barron@jesusfilm.org to sign up to serve.


Living Refuge


Why Refuge?