• On January 13, 2013, CrossPointe Downtown was established by a small group from the CrossPointe family of churches, driven by a desire to see Downtown Orlando transformed by the power of the Gospel for God's glory.

    The CrossPointe family began in March 2002 as a single church plant in the emerging community of Lake Nona. Over the next 20 years, this vision expanded to include nine churches across Central Florida, South Florida, and Peachtree City, Georgia. The mission was clear: to point our communities to Jesus Christ. Together, these churches were committed to advancing the Gospel, building supportive church planting communities, and sacrificially contributing to the establishment of more Gospel-centered churches.

    This vision led to the planting of our church in the Downtown Orlando YMCA. Despite early successes, the church faced a significant challenge in May 2015 when the former lead pastor resigned due to moral failure. At that moment, the church was small, young, and vulnerable, raising questions about its future. However, God had other plans. United in prayer and mission, the church experienced a remarkable period of faithful resilience. In October 2015, Ryan Walker was called as pastor.

    From 2016 to 2020, under the leadership of Pastor Ryan and Pastor Josiah, CrossPointe continued its ministry in Downtown Orlando. The onset of COVID-19 introduced new challenges, particularly with meeting in the YMCA when gatherings were restricted. The strain on maintaining a portable church became unsustainable during the pandemic.

    In late 2020, Oasis Church at Conway Gardens generously offered their space, allowing us to relocate to the Curry Ford West community. This transition marked a new chapter for the church, as we established roots in a new area. Despite the ongoing challenges of COVID, the church continued to grow, welcoming new members and serving as a refuge for those seeking hope and healing in a broken world.

    At the end of 2022, we welcomed our first full elder board with the addition of Scott Reavis and Josh Conover, marking a significant step toward being an internally self-governing congregation.

    Today, while we have transitioned from the CrossPointe name to a new identity, we remain connected with our fellow CrossPointe churches. The decision to rebrand arose from the need to distinguish ourselves among multiple CrossPointe congregations in the area. Through this rebranding process, we felt led to the name "Refuge," reflecting our mission to be a haven for those seeking ultimate refuge in Jesus Christ. This change represents not just a new name, but a renewed vision to help people find their refuge in Christ.

  • Helping People Find Refuge In Christ

  • To see our community find refuge in Jesus and be a refuge for others

    Orlando is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. People from all over the world are not only visiting but also choosing to make Orlando their home. As the world comes to Orlando, what will they find?

    Certainly, they will discover year-round warm weather, endless leisure and entertainment options, and opportunities in nearly every career sector due to our thriving job market. They'll also appreciate the relatively low cost of living compared to many other places. But will they find true refuge?

    Our desire is to be a refuge for the world. Despite the many attractions that bring people to Orlando, we believe that true refuge can only be found in Christ.

    Our church is uniquely positioned in this city to offer the one true refuge: the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While Orlando promotes itself as a hub of self-expression and creativity, it also faces significant challenges. Homelessness is on the rise, many children are growing up in poverty and without families, and some newcomers struggle to earn a livable wage despite the promise of affordability.

    We are a church that finds our refuge in Christ, and our vision is to be a refuge for the weary, the broken, the hurting, and those who have sought refuge in the world and found it lacking.

  • Visiting a new church can be challenging, and we understand how daunting it can feel to wonder, "How will I fit in?" We've asked ourselves the same question before.

    At Refuge, our mission is to be a welcoming community for everyone. Our church family is diverse, with members of all ages, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds. This beautiful diversity reflects our commitment to embodying Christ's love and grace.

    We believe that our diversity helps us thrive and portrays the beauty of Christ to the world. We want you to experience Refuge not just through words but through meaningful connections with our community.

    Interested in learning more about Refuge Church? Join us for our next "New to Refuge" gathering, where you can discover more about our church and meet some of our members. Sign up today—we can't wait to welcome you!

  • Welcome to Refuge Church! Here’s what to expect when you visit us on Sunday:

    Parking: We encourage our guests to park in the paved lot reserved just for you. If it’s full, feel free to use the grass overflow lot to the left of the building.

    Arrival: As you approach the front of our sanctuary, you'll find our hospitality tent. A team member will greet you with a fresh cup of iced or hot coffee.

    Refuge Kids: If you have children, follow the signs for Refuge Kids in the lobby. Our kids ministry team will help you check them in.

    Worship Service: Our service begins in the sanctuary with 15-20 minutes of worship music led by the Refuge Band. This time includes prayers, scripture readings, and a greeting from one of our leaders.

    Sermon: After worship, we prepare for the sermon by reading the passage from the Bible. One of our pastors will then preach, typically going verse by verse through a book of the Bible, to help us live according to God’s Word.

    Communion: We take the Lord’s Supper each week, a time for those who have put their faith in Jesus. It’s a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and our unity as His body.

    Closing: We end with a song of reflection, followed by announcements about upcoming events. Then, we are sent out to “go and be the church” in our communities.

Our Values


    Christ is our refuge. While we were enemies of God in our sin, Jesus died so that we might be forgiven. We take refuge in the good news of what Jesus has accomplished through His perfect life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection. The world tells us that refuge can be found in financial freedom, sexual fulfillment, career advancement, a healthy lifestyle, or other pursuits. However, outside of Christ, these things cannot provide ultimate refuge and only leave us empty and longing for more. We were created to find Christ as our ultimate hope in this broken world.

    Romans 5.10 | Colossians 1.21-22 | 1 Corinthians 15.3-4 | Romans 1.16 | Psalm 46.1


    The church stands as a refuge for sinners in a broken world, where the Gospel compels us to live life together at the foot of the cross. Jesus creates a redeemed and transformed community, calling us to grow as disciples and challenge one another to put Christ at the center of our lives. Biblical community is a safe harbor for authenticity, genuine care, and deep fellowship. Confronted with the harsh realities of the world around us, the church serves as a refuge for the weak, the weary, and the broken.

    Acts 2:42-47 | Ephesians 2:19-22 | Hebrews 10:24-25 | Colossians 3:16 | Galatians 6.2


    As people who have found refuge in Christ, we are committed to helping others discover this same refuge. Just as God pursues us in our sin and brokenness, even when we turn away, we are called to pursue those far from Him, so they too may be drawn near through Jesus Christ. Compelled by His love, we are dedicated to serving the least, the lost, and the unlikely. There is no one beyond the need for God’s grace or beyond the reach of His redemption. Jesus Christ, the ultimate missionary, rescued us from sin, death, Satan, and hell. Therefore, we join Christ in His mission to redeem the world.

    Matthew 11:28 | Matthew 28:19-20 | 2 Corinthians 5:20 | John 3:16-17 | Colossians 1:13-14