Christ, My Refuge And Guide

I have always considered God to be both my father and friend. He so easily fits into both categories in my life, and I have always felt His presence near to me, even in my adolescence when I hadn't quite yet grasped the Gospel. He's been my refuge in times where I've been lost, buried under the weight of trials and suffering. I've found refuge in Him when He's taken on my grief and given me rest. The blessing of knowing Him and the privilege of getting to study and interact with His Word is truly what has sustained me season to season. 

I can remember one particular instance when I found refuge in Christ. It was my freshman year of college, and I was trying to navigate personal life trials while living in a new city, with the desire for Christ-centered friendships. I was an 18-year-old living under the control of her suffering. In that year, I reluctantly got involved with a campus ministry in the most minor level that I could, which led me to signing up for a weekend retreat out-of-town where I'd be traveling and bunking with girls I didn't know. Although I was hesitant to go, I surrendered my next three days to the Lord. From the minute we set off on the road, He provided me with an indescribable peace and offered me refuge in the friendships extended to me from those I traveled with, through the preaching of His Word, and the way He used leaders and students alike to show me what it looks and feels like to deny myself and live for Him. I have never been the same since, and all for the better. The joy I experienced when I decided to trust Him as my refuge and strength changed my heart.

When I get overwhelmed, there's always that moment when I finally take a breath and remember that He is good, that He is in control, and that He is my refuge. 

Community and fellowship have always been such a vital element in my walk with Christ as an adult! As I continued to connect with different on-campus ministries, I was blessed to experience community at a scale and depth I've never experienced before. When young people who are on fire for God come together during the most pivotal season of their lives, beautiful bonds are formed. I learned how to truly study the Bible in community, was encouraged in prayer through community, was able to share the Gospel alongside my community, and so much more. Living in community with other believers in college, with friends who became family, has played a huge part of what's made me who I am today and has kept me grounded in my faith. 

Moving back to Orlando and away from the community I cherished after graduation wasn't easy. Fellowshipping with other believers certainly wasn't as accessible, but I knew that becoming part of a local church would be important. Walking in obedience to the Lord is not only easier but more joyful when done in community. When my family and I began attending Refuge Church, not only was the word preached through Pastor Ryan impactful, but the intentionality of the church body was moving. Strangers quickly became friends... loving friends with a genuine desire to walk through life alongside us. In the most difficult of times throughout this season of life as a member of Refuge Church, I can recount time and time again how this newfound community has supported me, encouraged me, and prayed for me. It has been a true gift to find refuge within this congregation that is so honorably and faithfully serving the Lord!


Weekly Update - August 21st, 2024


The Gospel - Refuge In Christ