From Brokenness to Healing: Finding Solace and Purpose at Refuge Church

When I first walked through the doors of Refuge Church six years ago, I was burdened by the weight of a shattered marriage and a heart broken into a million pieces. My only companions were my two young sons, who were also dealing with the aftermath of our fractured family. It was a time of profound vulnerability and despair, and the future seemed uncertain and daunting. Yet, in this darkest hour, the Holy Spirit gently guided me to Refuge Church, a sanctuary where I would discover solace and a renewed sense of purpose.

From the moment I entered Refuge Church, I felt the warmth of a welcoming embrace that extended far beyond the physical space. The community here radiated a kindness and acceptance that I had longed for. Jesus’s profound kindness and unwavering faithfulness were palpably present in the hearts and actions of the people who surrounded us. The church did not merely offer us a place to take shelter; it provided a nurturing haven where my sons and I could start to mend our broken spirits and find hope once again.

In the embrace of Refuge Church, we found not only a place to heal but also a newfound strength and resilience. This sacred space became a beacon of hope and restoration, a place where our wounds could be tended to with love and care. The journey of healing was neither swift nor easy, but the unwavering support of the church community and the constant presence of Jesus’s love made it possible for us to rebuild our lives.

One of the most transformative aspects of my journey at Refuge Church has been rediscovering my voice in worship. For many years, I had led worship, finding immense joy and fulfillment in singing praises to God. However, life’s trials had gradually silenced me, causing me to conceal a precious gift that God had instilled in me from a young age. I vividly remember a particular partnership meeting at Refuge Church, after years of not singing before a congregation. During worship, I sang so softly that no one could hear me. I was hiding this gift, feeling unworthy and unqualified to use it.

In that moment, the Holy Spirit moved through a fellow partner sitting next to me. She turned to me and said, “You have a beautiful voice; you shouldn’t hide it.” Her words were a divine intervention, a message of grace and encouragement that pierced through my self-doubt and insecurity. I felt a wave of liberation wash over me, freeing me from the heavy burden of unworthiness that I had carried for so long. That encounter marked a significant turning point in my life.

The following Sunday, with a heart full of renewed courage, I approached the worship leader and expressed my desire to join the worship team. It was a step of faith that I never imagined taking, and certainly not one I thought would lead to becoming one of the worship leaders at Refuge Church. This new chapter in my life opened a world of possibilities and blessings that far exceeded my expectations.

Today, not only do I lead worship, but I also have the profound privilege of mentoring and coaching others within our worship team. This role allows me to share the grace and encouragement that has been so generously given to me, helping others to uncover and embrace their own God-given gifts. Through this journey, I have witnessed the transformative power of Christ, turning my silence into a song of praise and service. It is a joy beyond measure to walk alongside others as they discover and develop their own talents and passions for worship.

Reflecting on my journey, I am reminded of Romans 8:28—"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." God has woven my painful and joyful experiences into a tapestry of His goodness and grace. Refuge Church has been our sanctuary, where we found solace and purpose, experiencing the boundless love of Christ. It has not only healed our brokenness but also empowered us to live out His calling with renewed vigor and joy. More than a place of worship, Refuge Church has been a haven of profound transformation and growth, bearing witness to God's unwavering faithfulness.I am deeply grateful for the community that has become our home and the Savior who has guided us every step of the way.


Weekly Update - September 25th, 2024


Gospel Growth Inward